Kofi Annan (IPA: /kofi ænən/) anak dari Victoria dan Henry Reginald Annan yang lahir di wilayah Kofandros Kumasi, Ghana. Nama "Kofi" berarti "terlahir pada hari Jumat". Annan yang lahir sebagai anak kembar dianggap sebuah peristiwa spesial oleh tradisi Ghana. Saudara kembarnya (Efua) meninggal pada tahun 1991. Keluarga Annan merupakan bagian kelompok elit Ghana. Kedua kakeknya serta pamannya adalah kepala suku. Ayahnya berdarah setengah Asante dan setengah Fante, sedang ibunya seorang suku Fante. Ayah Annan bekerja cukup lama sebagai manajer ekspor perusahaan cokelat Lever Brothers.
Pada 13 Desember 1996, Annan terpilih oleh Dewan Keamanan PBB sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal, dan dikukuhkan empat hari kemudian lewat pemungutan suara di Majelis Umum. Annan segera mengambil sumpah jabatan, dan memulai masa jabatannya yang pertama sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal pada 1 Januari 1997. Annan menggantikan Sekretaris Jenderal Boutros Boutros-Ghali dari Mesir, yang berakhir masa jabatannya. Ia menjadi orang pertama dari sebuah negara Afrika Hitam yang menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal.
Masa jabatan Annan sebagai Sekjen diperbarui pada 1 Januari 2002, dalam sebuah penyimpangan yang tidak lazim dari kebijakan yang tak resmi. Jabatan ini biasanya berotasi di antara benua, masing-masing dengan dua masa jabatan. Karena pendahulu Annan adalah Boutros-Ghali yang juga berasal dari Afrika, Annan biasanya hanya akan menjabat satu masa jabatan. Perpanjangan masa jabatannya menunjukkan popularitas Annan. Mark Malloch Brown menggantikan Louise Frechette sebagai Wakil Sekretaris Jendearl Annan pada April 2006.
Kofi Atta Annan (born 8 April 1938) is a Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 1997 to December 2006. Annan and the United Nations were the co-recipients of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world." He is the Chairman of The Elders, a group founded by Nelson Mandela. From 23 February until 31 August 2012, Annan was the UN–Arab League Joint Special Representative for Syria, to help find a resolution to ongoing conflict there. Annan quit after becoming frustrated with the UN's lack of progress with regard to conflict resolution, stating that "when the Syrian people desperately need action, there continues to be finger-pointing and name-calling in the Security Council". He has been involved in several humanitarian projects and won several awards including the Kora All Africa Music Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001.
On 13 December 1996, the United Nations Security Council recommended Annan to replace the previous Secretary-General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt, whose second term faced the veto of the United States. Confirmed four days later by the vote of the General Assembly, he started his first term as Secretary-General on 1 January 1997. In 2001, its centennial year, the Nobel Committee decided that the Peace Prize was to be divided between the United Nations (UN) and Kofi Annan. Annan was awarded the Peace Prize for having revitalized the UN and for having given priority to human rights. The Nobel Committee also recognized his commitment to the struggle to containing the spread of the HIV virus in Africa and his declared opposition to international terrorism.
On 4 September 2012, Annan published his memoir, Interventions: A Life in War and Peace, written with Nader Mousavizadeh, ISBN 978-159420420-3. The book is described as a personal biography of so-called global statecraft. In 1965 Kofi Annan married Titi Alakija, a Nigerian woman from a well-to-do family. Several years later they had a daughter, Ama, and later a son, Kojo. The couple separated in the late 1970s. In 1984, Annan married Nane Lagergren, a Swedish lawyer at the U.N. and the grandniece of Raoul Wallenberg.