Ayahnya Tivadar Soros ( Esperanto : Teodoro Ŝvarc; lahir Theodor Schwarz, 1894-1968) adalah seorang Hungaria pengacara, penulis dan editor. Ia mungkin paling dikenal karena menjadi ayah dari pengusaha, investor, dan dermawan George Soros , dan insinyur Paul Soros . Soros bertempur di Perang Dunia I dan menghabiskan tahun di sebuah kamp penjara di Siberia sebelum melarikan diri. Ia mendirikan Esperanto majalah sastra Literatura Mondo (Sastra Dunia) pada tahun 1922 dan diedit sampai 1924. Ia menulis novel pendek Modernaj Robinzonoj (Robinsons modern) (1923), dan Maskerado ĉirkaŭ la morto (Masquerade (tari) sekitar kematian), yang diterbitkan 1965, sebuah novel otobiografi tentang pengalamannya selama Nazi pendudukan Budapest , Hongaria . Maskerado telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris , Rusia , Jerman , Turki , dan Hungaria . [4] Ia juga menulis dengan nama Teo Melas ( " Melas " adalah bahasa Yunani untuk "hitam", seperti "schwarz" adalah dalam bahasa Jerman). Selama Revolusi Hungaria 1956 , ia dan istrinya melarikan diri ke Amerika Serikat , di mana ia tinggal di New York City sampai kematiannya pada tahun 1968.
George Soros (/ˈsɔːroʊs/[5] or /ˈsɔːrɒs/; Hungarian: Soros György, pronounced [ˈʃoroʃ ˈɟørɟ]; born August 12, 1930) is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist, and author.[a] He is chairman of Soros Fund Management. He is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of Pound sterling, making him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis. Soros is one of the 30 richest people in the world. Soros is a well-known supporter of American progressive and American liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2011 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s,[10] and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest. Soros is also the chairman of the Open Society Foundations.
In 1947, Soros immigrated to England and became a student at the London School of Economics.[29] While a student of the philosopher Karl Popper, Soros worked as a railway porter and as a waiter. Soros received £40 from a Quaker charity.[30] In a discussion at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council in 2006, Alvin Shuster, former foreign editor of the Los Angeles Times, asked Soros, "How does one go from an immigrant to a financier? ... When did you realize that you knew how to make money?" Soros replied, "Well, I had a variety of jobs and I ended up selling fancy goods on the seaside, souvenir shops, and I thought, that's really not what I was cut out to do. So, I wrote to every managing director in every merchant bank in London, got just one or two replies, and eventually that's how I got a job in a merchant bank."[31] That job was an entry-level position in Singer & Friedlander. In 1951, Soros earned a Bachelor of Science in philosophy and a Master of Science in philosophy in 1954, both from the London School of Economics.