Ia merupakan seorang mantan sopir bus, yang kemudian menjadi seorang pemimpin serikat buruh, sebelum terpilih menjadi anggota Majelis Nasional pada tahun 2000. Ia diangkat ke sejumlah posisi dalam Pemerintahan Venezuela di bawah masa kepemimpinan Chávez, di antaranya sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri pada tahun 2006 dan menjadi Wakil Presiden pada tahun 2012. Ia selama ini dideskripsikan sebagai "administrator dan politikus yang paling cakap pada lingkaran dalam Chávez". Setelah kematian Chávez diumumkan pada tanggal 5 Maret 2013, Maduro diasumsikan sebagai pemegang kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab presiden selanjutnya. Sebuah pemilihan khusus diadakan pada 14 April 2013 untuk memilih presiden baru, dan Nicolás Maduro menang dengan perolehan 50,62 % suara sebagai kandidat dari Partai Sosialis Bersatu Venezuela. Ia secara resmi dilantik pada 19 April 2013.
Sejak terpilih menjadi presiden, Maduro lebih banyak melanjutkan berbagai kebijakan Chávez, dan hal tersebut malah menimbulkan penurunan status sosial ekonomi di Venezuela, di mana tindak kejahatan, inflasi, kemiskinan dan kelaparan meningkat pesat. Kekurangan yang terjadi di Venezuela dan standar hidup yang menurun mengakibatkan timbulnya aksi protes yang dimulai pada 2014, aksi itu kemudian malah meningkat menjadi kerusuhan nasional hingga pada tahun 2016 ini. Maduro dianggap seperti Chávez, yang menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan otoriter.

Maduro has ruled Venezuela by decree since 19 November 2013. His presidency has coincided with a decline in Venezuela's socioeconomic status, with crime, inflation, poverty and hunger increasing; analysts have attributed Venezuela's decline to both Chávez and Maduro's economic policies, while Maduro has blamed speculation and an "economic war" waged by his political opponents. Shortages in Venezuela and decreased living standards resulted in protests beginning in 2014 that escalated into daily marches nationwide, resulting in 43 deaths and a decrease in Maduro's popularity. Maduro's loss of popularity saw the election of an opposition-led National Assembly in 2015 and a movement toward recalling Maduro in 2016, though Maduro still maintains power through loyal political bodies, such as the Supreme Court, National Electoral Council and military. After entering a constitutional crisis when the Supreme Tribunal removed power from the National Assembly, months of protests occurred in 2017, leading Maduro to call for a rewrite of the constitution. The Constituent Assembly of Venezuela was elected into office 30 July 2017, with the majority of its members being pro-Maduro.
On 20 May 2018, Maduro was reelected into the presidency in what the Atlantic Council and Financial Times described as a show election which had the lowest voter turnout in Venezuela's modern history. Like Chávez, Maduro has been accused of authoritarian leadership,[28] with mainstream media describing him as a dictator, especially following the suspension of the recall movement that was directed towards him. Following the 2017 Venezuelan Constituent Assembly election, the United States sanctioned Maduro, freezing his U.S. assets and prohibited him from entering the country, stating that he was a "dictator".[33] The majority of nations in the Americas and the Western world also refused to recognize the Constituent Assembly and the validity of his 2018 reelection, initiating their own sanctions against him and his administration as well.