Jiang Zemin mulai berkuasa setelah peristiwa Demonstrasi Tiananmen 1989, menggantikan Zhao Ziyang sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal, jabatan tertinggi di Partai Komunis Tiongkok. Dengan memudarnya pengaruh dari Deng Xiaoping dan anggota Delapan Tetua lainnya karena usia sepuh, serta dengan bantuan pemimpin partai dan negara yang lama dan berkuasa, tetua Chen Yun dan mantan presiden Li Xiannian, Jiang efektif menjadi "pemimpin tertinggi" pada era 1990-an.
Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Tiongkok mengalami reformasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan substansial, menerima kembali Hong Kong dari Britania Raya dan Makau dari Portugal secara damai, dan memperbaiki hubungan luar negeri dengan mempertahankan kendali ketat Partai Komunis terhadap pemerintahan. Jiang telah dikritik karena terlalu memperhatikan pencitraan di dalam negeri, dan terlalu lunak terhadap Rusia dan Amerika Serikat.
Jiang Zemin (UK: /dʒiˈæŋ ʒeɪˈmɪn/, US: /dʒiˈɑːŋ zəˈmɪn/; born 17 August 1926) is a retired Chinese politician who served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2002, as Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2004, and as President of the People's Republic of China from 1993 to 2003. Jiang has been described as the "core of the third generation" of Communist Party leaders since 1989.
Jiang came to power unexpectedly as a 'compromise candidate' following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, when he replaced Zhao Ziyang as General Secretary after Zhao was ousted for his support for the student movement. With the waning influence of Eight Elders due to old age and with the death of Deng Xiaoping in 1997, Jiang consolidated his hold on power and became the "paramount leader" of the party and the country in the 1990s.
Urged by Deng's southern tour in 1992 to accelerate "opening up and reform", Jiang officially introduced the term "socialist market economy" in his speech during the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held later that year, ending a period of ideological uncertainty and economic stagnation following 1989. Under Jiang's leadership, China experienced substantial economic growth with the continuation of reforms, saw the peaceful return of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom in 1997 and Macau from Portugal in 1999, and improved its relations with the outside world while the Communist Party maintained its tight control over the government.
His contributions to party doctrine, known as the "Three Represents," were written into the party's constitution in 2002. Jiang vacated the post of party General Secretary and Politburo Standing Committee in 2002, but did not relinquish all of his leadership titles until 2005, and continued to influence affairs until much later. At the age of 92 years, 189 days, Jiang is the longest-living paramount leader in the history of the PRC.