Nicolas Maduro - Presiden Negara Venezuela

Biografi Biography BiografiaNicolás Maduro Moros (bahasa Spanyol: [nikoˈlas maˈðuɾo ˈmoɾos]; lahir di Caracas, Venezuela, 23 November 1962; umur 56 tahun), lebih dikenal sebagai Nicolás Maduro adalah seorang politikus Venezuela yang menjabat sebagai Presiden ke-65 Venezuela sejak tahun 2013. Sebelumnya ia menjabat di bawah Presiden Hugo Chávez sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri dari tahun 2006 hingga 2013 dan sebagai Wakil Presiden Venezuela dari tahun 2012 sampai 2013. Ia merupakan seorang mantan sopir bus, yang kemudian menjadi seorang pemimpin serikat buruh, sebelum terpilih menjadi anggota Majelis Nasional pada tahun 2000.

Ia diangkat ke sejumlah posisi dalam Pemerintahan Venezuela di bawah masa kepemimpinan Chávez, di antaranya sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri pada tahun 2006 dan menjadi Wakil Presiden pada tahun 2012. Ia selama ini dideskripsikan sebagai "administrator dan politikus yang paling cakap pada lingkaran dalam Chávez". Setelah kematian Chávez diumumkan pada tanggal 5 Maret 2013, Maduro diasumsikan sebagai pemegang kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab presiden selanjutnya. Sebuah pemilihan khusus diadakan pada 14 April 2013 untuk memilih presiden baru, dan Nicolás Maduro menang dengan perolehan 50,62 % suara sebagai kandidat dari Partai Sosialis Bersatu Venezuela. Ia secara resmi dilantik pada 19 April 2013.

Sejak terpilih menjadi presiden, Maduro lebih banyak melanjutkan berbagai kebijakan Chávez, dan hal tersebut malah menimbulkan penurunan status sosial ekonomi di Venezuela, di mana tindak kejahatan, inflasi, kemiskinan dan kelaparan meningkat pesat. Kekurangan yang terjadi di Venezuela dan standar hidup yang menurun mengakibatkan timbulnya aksi protes yang dimulai pada 2014, aksi itu kemudian malah meningkat menjadi kerusuhan nasional hingga pada tahun 2016 ini. Maduro dianggap seperti Chávez, yang menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan otoriter.

Nicolás Maduro Moros born 23 November 1962) is a Venezuelan politician serving as President of Venezuela since 2013, and disputed president since January 2019. AP News reported that "familiar geopolitical sides" had formed in the 2019 Venezuelan presidential crisis, with allies Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and Cuba supporting Maduro, and the US, Canada, and most of Western Europe supporting Juan Guaidó as interim president. Beginning his working life as a bus driver, Maduro rose to become a trade union leader before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000. He was appointed to a number of positions under President Hugo Chávez and was described in 2012 by the Wall Street Journal as the "most capable administrator and politician of Chávez's inner circle". He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2013 and as Vice President of Venezuela from 2012 to 2013 under Chávez. After Chávez's death was announced on 5 March 2013, Maduro assumed the presidential powers and responsibilities. A special presidential election was held in 2013, which Maduro won with 50.62% of the vote as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela candidate. He has ruled Venezuela by decree since 19 November 2013 through powers granted to him by the pre-2015 Venezuela legislature. Shortages in Venezuela and decreased living standards led to protests beginning in 2014 that escalated into daily marches nationwide, repression of dissent and a decline in Maduro's popularity.

According to The New York Times, Maduro's adminstration was held "responsible for grossly mismanaging the economy and plunging the country into a deep humanitarian crisis" and attempting to "crush the opposition by jailing or exiling critics, and using lethal force against antigovernment protesters".[9] An opposition-led National Assembly was elected in 2015 and a movement toward recalling Maduro began in 2016; Maduro maintained power through the Supreme Tribunal, the National Electoral Council and the military. The Supreme Tribunal removed power from the elected National Assembly, resulting in a constitutional crisis and protests in 2017. Maduro called for a rewrite of the constitution, and the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela was elected in 2017, under what many—including Venezuela's chief prosecutor Luisa Ortega and Smartmatic, the company that ran the voting machines—considered irregular voting conditions; the majority of its members were pro-Maduro. On 20 May 2018, presidential elections were called prematurely;[c] opposition leaders had been jailed, exiled or forbidden to run, there was no international observation, and tactics to suggest voters could lose their jobs or social welfare if they did not vote for Maduro were used.

The majority of nations in the Western world did not recognize the Constituent Assembly election or the validity of Maduro's 2018 reelection; the Canadian, Panamanian, and the United States governments sanctioned Maduro. Maduro has been described as a "dictator", and an Organization of American States (OAS) report determined that crimes against humanity have been committed during his presidency.[28] Maduro allies including China, Cuba, Russia, Iran, and Turkey support and denounce what they call interference in Venezuela's domestic affairs. Amid widespread condemnation, President Maduro was sworn in on 10 January 2019, and the President of the National Assembly, Guaidó, was declared the interim President by that body on 23 January 2019. Maduro's government states that the crisis is a "coup d'état led by the United States to topple him and control the country's oil reserves." Guaidó denies the coup allegations, saying peaceful volunteers back his movement.

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