Biografi Nelson Mandela - Tokoh Anti Apartheid

Biografi Nelson Mandela - Tokoh Anti ApartheidNelson Rolihlahla Mandela lahir di Mvezo, Afrika Selatan, 18 Juli 1918 – meninggal di Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan, 5 Desember 2013 pada umur 95 tahun) adalah seorang revolusioner anti-apartheid dan politisi Afrika Selatan yang menjabat sebagai Presiden Afrika Selatan sejak 1994 sampai 1999. Ia adalah orang Afrika Selatan berkulit hitam pertama yang memegang jabatan tersebut dan presiden pertama yang terpilih melalui keterwakilan penuh, dalam sebuah pemilu multiras. Pemerintahannya berfokus pada penghapusan pengaruh apartheid dengan memberantas rasisme, kemiskinan dan kesenjangan, dan mendorong rekonsiliasi rasial.

Terlahir dari keluarga kerajaan Thembu dan bersuku Xhosa, Mandela belajar hukum di Fort Hare University dan University of Witwatersrand. Ketika menetap di Johannesburg, ia terlibat dalam politik anti-kolonial, bergabung dengan ANC, dan menjadi anggota pendiri Liga Pemuda ANC. Setelah kaum nasionalis Afrikaner dari Partai Nasional berkuasa tahun 1948 dan menerapkan kebijakan apartheid, popularitas Mandela melejit di Defiance Campaign ANC tahun 1952, terpilih menjadi Presiden ANC Transvaal, dan menghadiri Congress of the People tahun 1955. Sebagai pengacara, ia berulang kali ditahan karena melakukan aktivitas menghasut dan, sebagai ketua ANC, diadili di Pengadilan Pengkhianatan pada 1956 sampai 1961, namun akhirnya divonis tidak bersalah.

Pada 1962, ia ditahan dan dituduh melakukan sabotase dan bersekongkol menggulingkan pemerintahan, dan dihukum penjara seumur hidup di Pengadilan Rivonia. Setelah menjadi Presiden ANC, Mandela menerbitkan otobiografi dan bernegosiasi dengan Presiden F.W. de Klerk untuk menghapuskan apartheid dan melaksanakan pemilu multiras tahun 1994 yang kelak dimenangkan ANC. Ia terpilih sebagai Presiden dan membentuk Pemerintahan Persatuan Nasional. Selaku Presiden, ia menyusun konstitusi baru dan membentuk Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi untuk menyelidiki pelanggaran-pelanggaran HAM sebelumnya. Ia juga memperkenalkan kebijakan reformasi lahan, pemberantasan kemiskinan, dan perluasan cakupan layanan kesehatan.

Kontroversial nyaris sepanjang hayatnya, para kritikus sayap kanan menyebut Mandela teroris dan simpatisan komunis. Meski begitu, ia memperoleh pengakuan internasional atas sikap anti-kolonial dan anti-apartheidnya, menerima lebih dari 250 penghargaan, termasuk Hadiah Perdamaian Nobel 1993, Medali Kebebasan Presiden Amerika Serikat, dan Order of Lenin dari Uni Soviet. Ia sangat dihormati di Afrika Selatan dan lebih dikenal dengan nama klan Xhosa-nya, Madiba atau tata. Nelson Mandela sering dijuluki "bapak bangsa".

Freedom Day 2016 South AfricaNelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) from 1991 to 1997. Internationally, Mandela was Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999.

A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended the Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the ANC and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner minority government of the National Party established apartheid in 1948, he rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 Defiance Campaign, was appointed superintendent of the organisation's Transvaal chapter and presided over the 1955 Congress of the People. Working as a lawyer, he was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and, with the ANC leadership, was unsuccessfully prosecuted in the Treason Trial from 1956 to 1961.

Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 amid escalating civil strife. Mandela joined negotiations with Nationalist President F. W. de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led the ANC to victory and became South Africa's first black president. He published his autobiography in 1995. During his tenure in the Government of National Unity he invited other political parties to join the cabinet, and promulgated a new constitution.

Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Denounced as a communist terrorist by critics, he nevertheless gained international acclaim for his activism, having received more than 250 honours, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Soviet Order of Lenin. He is held in deep respect within South Africa, where he is often referred to by his Xhosa clan name, Madiba, or as Tata ("Father"); he is often described as the "Father of the Nation".