Zaha Hadid - Arsitek Britania Kelahiran Irak

Biografi Biography Zaha Hadid Biografia BiographieDame Zaha Mohammad Hadid, DBE (bahasa Arab: زها حديد Zahā Ḥadīd; 31 Oktober 1950 – 31 Marer 2016) adalah seorang arsitek Britania kelahiran Irak. Ia adalah wanita pertama dan Muslim pertama yang meraih Penghargaan Arsitektur Pritzker, memenangkannya pada 2004. Ia meraih Penghargaan Stirling pada 2010 dan 2011. Pada 2012, ia diberi Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire dan pada 2015 ia menjadi wanita pertama yang diberi penghargaan RIBA Gold Medal dalam haknya sendiri. Pada 31 Maret 2016, Hadid meninggal karena serangan jantung di rumah sakit Miami, dimana ia berobat bronkitis.

Hadid lahir pada 31 Oktober 1950 di Baghdad, Irak, dari sebuah keluarga Muslim kelas atas. Ayahnya, Muhammad al-Hajj Husayn Hadid, adalah seorang industrialis kaya dari Mosul, Irak. Ayahnya bekerja sama mendirikan kelompok al-Ahali liberal kiri di Irak pada 1932, yang menjadi organisasi politik signifikan pada 1930an dan 1940an. Ayahnya adalah salah satu pendiri Partai Demokratik Nasional di Irak. Ibunya, Wajiha al-Sabunji, adalah seorang artis dari Mosul. Pada 1960an, Hadid masuk sekolah asrama di Inggris dan Swiss. Hadid mendirikan praktik arsitektur yang berbasis di London miliknya sendiri 1980.

Hadid belajar matematika di Universitas Amerika sebelum berpindah, pada 1972, ke London untuk belajar di Architectural Association School of Architecture. Disana ia bertemu Rem Koolhaas, Elia Zenghelis dan Bernard Tschumi. Ia bekerja untuk mantan profesornya, Koolhaas dan Zenghelis, di Office for Metropolitan Architecture, di Rotterdam, Belanda, menjadi mitra pada 1977. Meskipun asossiasinya dengan Koolhaas, ia bertemu dengan Peter Rice, seorang teknisi yang memberikannya dukungan dan membantu pada waktu itu ketika pekerjaannya menghadapi kesulitan. Hadid adalah seorang warga negara Britania Raya yang dinaturalisasikan.

Biografi Biography Karya Zaha Hadid Biografia BiographieDame Zaha Mohammad Hadid, DBE, RA (Arabic: زها حديد‎‎ Zahā Ḥadīd; 31 October 1950 – 31 March 2016) was an Iraqi-born British architect. She was the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize, in 2004. She received the UK's most prestigious architectural award, the Stirling Prize, in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, she was made a Dame by Elizabeth II for services to architecture, and in 2015 she became the first woman to be awarded the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects.

She was described by the The Guardian of London as the 'Queen of the curve', who "liberated architectural geometry, giving it a whole new expressive identity." Her major works include the aquatic centre for the London 2012 Olympics, Michigan State University's Broad Art Museum in the US, and the Guangzhou Opera House in China. Some of her designs have been presented posthumously, including the statuette for the 2017 Brit Awards, and many of her buildings are still under construction, including the Al Wakrah Stadium in Doha, a venue for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. On 31 March 2016, Hadid died of a heart attack in a Miami hospital, where she was being treated for bronchitis.

Of all her works, Hadid designed only one government building, offices for the port authority, or Havenhuis, in Antwerp, Belgium, completed in 2016. Most new government buildings attempt to express solidity and seriousness; but Port Authority is a ship-like structure of glass and steel on a white concrete perch seems to have landed atop the old port building constructed in 1922. The faceted glass structure also resembles a diamond, a symbol of Antwerp's role as the major market of diamonds in Europe. It was one of the last works of Hadid, who died in 2016, the year it opened.