Kemenangan Manny Pacquiao atas petinju Amerika, Chris Algieri membuatnya mendapat julukan "profesor" dari pelatihnya, Freddie Roach. Dalam pertarungan perebutan gelar juara dunia kelas welter WBO di Cotai Arena, Macau ini, Pacquiao memperlihatkan kemampuan dan pengalamannya untuk menang mutlak atas Algieri. Tiga hakim memberi kemenangan 119-103, 119-103 dan 120-102 buat petinju Filipina ini. Algieri sebelumnya merupakan juara dunia kelas welter ringan WBO dan belum pernah mencicipi kekalahan. Namun dalam pertandingan menghadapi Pacquiao ia dipukul jatuh enam kali di ronde kedua, enam, sembilan dan sepuluh. Pacquiao terus menghujani Algieri dengan pukulan meski petinju asal Long Island ini berusaha menghindar bahkan berlari menjauh. Algieri sendiri memuji gaya bertinju Pacquiao. ïa memiliki seni bertarung yang sempurna. Ia melukainya dengan hook kirinya yang keras.
Algieri merupakan petinju yang menyandang gelar master dan berambisi menjadi doktor bila telah pensiun sebegai petinju. Pekan-pekan lalu, pelatihnya, Tim Lane menyebut Algieri akan mengalahkan Pacquiao dengan tinju bertaraf master. Hal ini yang kemudian dijadikan olok-olok oleh pelatih Pacquiao, Freddie Roach. Roach disebut memotivasi Pacquiao untuk memukul jatuh Algieri dengan cara unik. Kemenangan Manny Pacquiao melawan Chris Algieri di Makau, Ahad siang, 23 November 2014, kembali menghangatkan pembicaraan soal rencana pertandingan antara dirinya melawan Floyd Mayweather Junior yang masih dinanti-nanti penggemar tinju. Usai pertandingan itu, Pacquiao mengatakan dirinya sudah tidak sabar menjalani pertandingan melawan Mayweather. Pada 2010 lalu, keduanya direncanakan akan bertarung. Namun, rencana itu batal lantaran ada ketidaksepakatan di antara kedua belah pihak.

He was named "Fighter of the Decade" for the 2000s by the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA), WBC, and WBO. He is also a three-time Ring magazine and BWAA Fighter of the Year, winning the award in 2006, 2008, and 2009; and the Best Fighter ESPY Award in 2009 and 2011. BoxRec ranks him as the greatest Asian fighter of all time. Pacquiao was long rated as the best pound for pound boxer in the world by most sporting news and boxing websites, including ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Sporting Life, Yahoo! Sports, About.com, BoxRec, and The Ring, beginning from his climb to lightweight until his losses in 2012. He is also the longest reigning top-ten boxer on The Ring's pound for pound list. Pacquiao has generated approximately 19.2 million in pay-per-view buys and $1.2 billion in revenue from his 23 PPV bouts. According to Forbes, he was the second highest paid athlete in the world as of 2015.
Beyond boxing, Pacquiao has participated in basketball, business, acting, music recording and politics. In May 2010, Pacquiao was elected to the House of Representatives in the 15th Congress of the Philippines, representing the province of Sarangani. He was re-elected in 2013 to the 16th Congress of the Philippines. In June 2016, Pacquiao was elected as a senator and will serve a six-year term until 2022. While mostly focused on being a boxer and a politician, Pacquiao is listed as the head coach of the basketball team Mahindra Floodbuster. He was also drafted onto the team as 11th overall pick in the first round of the 2014 PBA draft, making him the oldest rookie drafted, as well as the shortest player and the first dual-sport athlete in the Philippine Basketball Association.