Suaminya Ferdinand Edralín Marcos (lahir di Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, 11 September 1917 – meninggal di Honolulu, Hawaii, Amerika Serikat, 28 September 1989 pada umur 72 tahun) adalah Presiden kesepuluh Filipina. Ia menjabat dari 30 Desember 1965 hingga 25 Februari 1986. Marcos lulus dari Fakultas Hukum Universitas Filipina dengan gelar cum laude pada tahun 1939. Ia turut berperang melawan Jepang dalam Perang Dunia II dan memperoleh penghargaan atas jasa-jasanya selama perang. Pada tahun 1954, ia menikah dengan Imelda Romuáldez yang kelak akan membantunya dalam kampanye presidennya. Ia kemudian bergabung dengan Partai Nacionalista, dan bersama dengan calon wakil presidennya Fernando Lopez, ia mengalahkan presiden Diosdado Macapagal dalam pemilu 1965.
Marcos adalah presiden Filipina pertama yang terpilih untuk menjabat selama dua masa bakti berturut-turut secara penuh. Pada tahun 1972, ia mendirikan rezim otoriter yang memperbolehkannya tetap berkuasa hingga rezim tersebut dihapus pada 1981, dengan menggunakan hukum darurat militer sebagai alat untuk menekan oposisi. Ia kemudian dilantik kembali pada tahun yang sama untuk menjabat masa bakti selama enam tahun yang diwarnai pengaturan politik yang tidak baik, masalah kesehatan, serta pelanggaran hak asasi manusia oleh pihak militer dan korupsi yang merajalela dalam pemerintahan.
Pada masa inilah, terjadilah kasus pembunuhan pemimpin oposisi Benigno Aquino, Jr., yang terjadi tahun 1983. Hal ini mulai memicu ketidakpuasan publik terhadap pemerintahannya. Secara umum, rezim Marcos sama dengan rezim Orde Baru di Indonesia, dengan karakteristik yang hampir sama. Marcos memiliki visi Bagong Lipunan (Masyarakat baru), di mana doktrinnya adalah "orang miskin dan kaya harus bekerjasama satu sama lain untuk menuju satu tujuan masyarakat dan mencapai kebebasan melalui kesadaran diri". Karakter rezim ini yang serupa Orde Baru adalah lebih menekankan pembangunan ekonomi negara, yang banyak memanfaatkan pinjaman dari luar negeri.
Pada tahun 1986, ia terpilih untuk keempat kalinya dalam sebuah pemilu yang diduga dipengaruhi kecurangan. Marcos akhirnya diturunkan dari jabatannya sebagai presiden dalam Revolusi EDSA, sebuah revolusi yang damai di bawah pimpinan Corazon Aquino (janda Benigno Aquino), pada tahun yang sama. Bersama dengan istrinya, Imelda, Marcos melarikan diri ke Hawaii. Di sana ia dituduh menggelapkan uang negara dan pinjaman dari luar negeri untuk kepentingannya dan kroni-kroninya (terutama pinjaman dari Amerika Serikat, yang merupakan sekutu terdekat Filipina) dan ditemukan bersalah. Marcos meninggal dunia di Honolulu, Hawaii pada tahun 1989 akibat penyakit ginjal, jantung, dan paru-paru. Marcos pertama dikebumikan di Hawaii, sejak itu dimakamkan di kuburan besar indah di Kota Batac, provinsi Ilocos Utara.
Imelda Marcos (née Romuáldez, born 2 July 1929) is a Filipino socialite, politician, and congresswoman who was First Lady of the Philippines for 21 years, during which she and her husband had amassed about US$5-10 billion of ill-gotten wealth, the bulk of which still remains unrecovered. She married Ferdinand Marcos in 1954 and became First Lady in 1965 when he became President of the Philippines. Her behaviour of initiating numerous grand architectural projects using public funds, came to be described in common parlance as Imeldific. She and her family gained notoriety for living a lavish lifestyle during a period of economic crisis and civil unrest in the country. She spent much of her time abroad on state visits, extravagant parties, and shopping sprees, and spent much of the State's money on her personal jewelry and shoe collections. Her collection of over 1,000 pairs of luxury shoes earned her the sobriquet "Marie Antoinette, with shoes."
The People Power Revolution in February 1986 unseated the Marcoses and forced the family into exile. In 1991, President Corazon Aquino allowed the Marcos family to return to the Philippines after the 1989 death of Ferdinand Marcos. Imelda Marcos was elected four times to the House of Representatives. She, along with her husband Ferdinand, are famous for holding the Guinness World Record for the Greatest Robbery of a Government. In November 2018, she was convicted of corruption charges for her activities some forty years earlier, during her term as governor of Manila.
Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Sr. (September 11, 1917 – September 28, 1989) was a Filipino politician and kleptocrat who was the tenth President of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986. A leading member of the far-right New Society Movement, he ruled as a dictator under martial law from 1972 until 1981. His regime was infamous for its corruption, extravagance, and brutality. Marcos claimed an active part in World War II, including fighting alongside the Americans in the Bataan Death March and being the "most decorated war hero in the Philippines". A number of his claims were found to be false and the United States Army documents described Marcos's wartime claims as "fraudulent" and "absurd".
Marcos started as an attorney, then served in the Philippine House of Representatives from 1949 to 1959 and the Philippine Senate from 1959 to 1965. He was elected President in 1965, and presided over a growing economy during the beginning and intermediate portion of his 20-year rule, but ended in loss of livelihood, extreme poverty, and a crushing debt crisis. Marcos placed the Philippines under martial law on September 23, 1972, during which he revamped the constitution, silenced the media, and used violence and oppression against the political opposition, Muslims, communist rebels, and ordinary citizens. Martial law was ratified by 90.77% of the voters during the Philippine Martial Law referendum, 1973 though the referendum was marred with controversy.
Public outrage led to the snap elections of 1986. Allegations of mass cheating, political turmoil, and human rights abuses led to the People Power Revolution in February 1986, which removed him from power. To avoid what could have been a military confrontation in Manila between pro- and anti-Marcos troops, Marcos was advised by US President Ronald Reagan through Senator Paul Laxalt to "cut and cut cleanly", after which Marcos fled to Hawaii. Marcos was succeeded by Corazon "Cory" Aquino, widow of the assassinated opposition leader Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. who had flown back to the Philippines to face Marcos.
According to source documents provided by the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG), the Marcos family stole US$5–10 billion. The PCGG also maintained that the Marcos family enjoyed a decadent lifestyle, taking away billions of dollars from the Philippines between 1965 and 1986. His wife Imelda Marcos, whose excesses during the couple's conjugal dictatorship made her infamous in her own right, spawned the term "Imeldific". Two of their children, Imee Marcos and Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., are still active in Philippine politics.