Amelita Martinez istri Presiden Fidel Ramos

Biografi Biography Biografia Amelita Martinez istri Presiden Fidel RamosAmelita "Ming" Martinez-Ramos (lahir 29 Desember 1927; umur 91 tahun) adalah istri dari presiden Filipina Fidel Ramos dan Ibu Negara Filipina ke-11 dari tahun 1992 hingga tahun 1998. Suaminya Fidel Valdez Ramos (lahir di Lingayen, Pangasinan, Filipina, 18 Maret 1928; umur 90 tahun) adalah Presiden Filipina ke-12. Ia menggantikan Corazon Aquino dan mengakhiri jabatan kepresidenannya pada tahun 1998, saat digantikan oleh Joseph Estrada. Joseph Ejercito Estrada dengan nama José Marcelo Ejército akrab dipanggil 'Erap' adalah seorang aktor film populer di Filipina. Ia menjabat sebagai Presiden Filipina ke-13 pada periode 30 Juni 1998-20 Januari 2001.

Maria Corazon Sumulong Cojuangco Aquino (lahir di Paniqui, Tarlac, Filipina , 25 Januari 1933 – meninggal di Makati, 1 Agustus 2009 pada umur 76 tahun), dikenal luas dengan 'Cory Aquino', adalah Presiden Filipina pada 1986 – 1992. Dialah wanita Asia pertama yang tampil sebagai presiden wanita di dunia. Wanita ini adalah istri dari tokoh oposisi yang populer, senator Benigno Aquino Jr.. Suaminya terbunuh sesaat setelah mendarat di Bandara Internasional Manila ketika kembali ke negaranya pada 21 Agustus 1983. Ia kemudian difigurkan oleh kalangan oposisi untuk menentang kekuasaan otokratik yang dilakukan Presiden Ferdinand Marcos.

Amelita "Ming" Jara Martinez-Ramos (born January 29, 1926) is the wife of Fidel V. Ramos–the twelfth President of the Philippines–and was the eleventh First Lady of the Philippines from 1992 to 1998. Aside from being a sportswoman, Ramos is also recognised as a talented amateur pianist, performing on several occasions with the Executive Combo Band of Raul Manglapus. She also received considerable public sympathy in 1993, when the Philippine Daily Inquirer published a front-page story revealing an alleged past affair between her husband and the socialite Baby Arenas. In the early hours of 27 January 2011, Ramos' daughter, Josephine Ramos-Samartino, died of lung cancer at the age of 54 at The Medical City in Pasig, Metro Manila. The former President admitted shortly after that Josephine, the second of their five daughters, was a smoker for 25 years who had only disclosed her illness to the family five weeks before her death.

Fidel Valdez Ramos popularly known as FVR and Eddie, is a retired Filipino general and politician who served as the 12th President of the Philippines from 1992 to 1998. During his six years in office, Ramos was widely credited and admired by many for revitalizing and renewing international confidence in the Philippine economy. At age 90, he is currently the oldest living former Philippine President. Prior to his election as president, Ramos served in the cabinet of President Corazón Aquino, first as chief-of-staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and later as Secretary of National Defense from 1986 to 1991. He was the father of the Philippine Army's Special Forces and the Philippine National Police Special Action Force.

During the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, Ramos was hailed as a hero by many Filipinos for his decision to break away from the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos and pledge allegiance and loyalty to the newly established government of President Aquino. Thirty years later, he however shifted to the side of Rodrigo Duterte, who he persuaded to run for president against Aquino's ally, Mar Roxas, and his nemesis, Miriam Defensor Santiago. Ramos also supported the Philippine Drug War.

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