Rodrigo Roa Duterte Presiden Negara Filipina

Biografi Biography Biografia Rodrigo Roa Duterte Election Result Presiden FilipinaRodrigo "Rody" Roa Duterte (lahir di Maasin, Leyte, Persemakmuran Filipina, 28 Maret 1945; umur 74 tahun), yang berjuluk Digong, adalah seorang politikus dan pengacara Filipina keturunan Visayan. Duterte adalah salah satu wali kota yang paling lama menjabat di Filipina dan merupakan wali kota Kota Davao, sebuah kota yang sangat tinggi urbanisasinya di pulau Mindanao, selama 7 masa jabatan, dengan total lebih dari 22 tahun. Ia juga menjabat sebagai wakil wali kota dan anggota kongres di kota tersebut. Pada 21 November 2015, Duterte mendeklarasikan pengkandidatannya untuk Presiden Filipina dalam pemilihan 2016.

Duterte lahir pada 28 Maret 1945 di Maasin, Leyte, Persemakmuran Filipina[3] dari pengacara Cebuano Vicente G. Duterte, yang menjabat sebagai Gubernur (pada waktu itu belum dibagi) Davao dan Soledad Roa, yang berasal dari Cabadbaran, Agusan yang merupakan guru sekolah dan pemimpin civic. Ayah Duterte, Vicente, sebelumnya menjadi gubernur provinsi Davao, yang sesekali menjadi wali kota Danao di Cebu. Sepupu Rodrigo, Ronald, di sisi lain, menjabat sebagai wali kota Kota Cebu dari 1983 sampai 1986. Ayah Ronald, Ramon Duterte, juga memegang jabatan tersebut dari 1957 sampai 1959. Keluarga Duterte dianggap menjadi keluarga politik dari klan Durano dan Almendras sebagai kekerabatan.

Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte menyatakan masih berhasrat untuk mengubah nama negara Filipina. Berbicara dalam pembangunan gymnasium di Isabela City, Minggu (3/3/2019), Duterte mengatakan, seharusnya nama Filipina harus diubah karena berasal dari kolonial Spanyol. Duterte mengatakan, dirinya tidak akan kembali mengusulkan perubahan menjadi Maharlika. Nama Filipina berasal dari Philip II, Raja Spanyol yang membiayai perjalanan penjelajah Portugis Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan melakukan ekspedisi untuk mencari jalur baru ke Pulau Rempah-rempah atau Maluku dan sampai di Filipina pada 1521. Pada 1978, mantan Senator Eddie Ilarde mengusulkan adanya undang-undang ganti nama Filipina menjadi Maharlika yang berarti Karya Agung.

Rodrigo Roa Duterte, KGCR (/duːˈtɜːrtə/; Tagalog: [roˈdɾigo ɾowa dʊˈtɛɾtɛ] (About this soundlisten); born March 28, 1945), also known as Digong and Rody, is a Filipino politician who is the 16th and current President of the Philippines, and the first from Mindanao to hold the office. He is the chair of the ruling PDP–Laban party. Taking office at 71 years old in June 2016, Duterte is the oldest person to assume the Philippine presidency; the record was previously held by Sergio Osmeña at the age of 65. Duterte studied political science at the Lyceum of the Philippines University, graduating in 1968, before obtaining a law degree from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He then worked as a lawyer and was a prosecutor for Davao City, before becoming vice mayor and, subsequently, mayor of the city in the wake of the Philippine Revolution of 1986. Duterte was among the longest-serving mayors in the Philippines, serving seven terms and totaling more than 22 years in office.

Frequently described as a populist and a nationalist, Duterte's political success has been aided by his vocal support for the extrajudicial killing of drug users and other criminals. Human rights groups have documented over 1,400 killings allegedly by death squads operating in Davao between 1998 and May 2016; the victims were mainly drug users, petty criminals and street children. A 2009 report by the Philippine Commission on Human Rights confirmed the "systematic practice of extrajudicial killings" by the Davao Death Squad. Duterte has alternately confirmed and denied his involvement. The Office of the Ombudsman closed an investigation in January 2016 stating that they found no evidence that the Davao Death Squad exists, and no evidence to connect the police or Duterte with the killings. The case has since been reopened. Duterte has repeatedly confirmed that he personally killed criminal suspects as mayor of Davao.

On May 9, 2016, Duterte won the Philippine presidential election with 39.01% of the votes, defeating four other candidates, namely Mar Roxas of the Liberal Party (23.4%), Senator Grace Poe (21.6%), former vice president Jejomar Binay of the United Nationalist Alliance (12.9%), and the late Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago of the People's Reform Party (3%). During his campaign, he promised to kill tens of thousands of criminals and end crime within six months. His domestic policy has focused on combating the illegal drug trade by initiating the Philippine Drug War. According to the Philippine National Police the death total passed 7,000 in January 2017, after which the police stopped publishing data. Following criticism from United Nations human rights experts that extrajudicial killings had increased since his election, Duterte threatened to withdraw the Philippines from the UN and form a new organization with China and African nations. He has declared his intention to pursue an "independent foreign policy", and sought to distance the Philippines from the United States and European nations and pursue closer ties with China and Russia.

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