Mohammed V - Sultan Kesultanan Morocco

Indépendance du Maroc - Biografi Mohammed V - Sultan di Kesultanan MoroccoMohammed V (10 Agustus 1909 - 26 Februari 1961) (Bahasa Arab: محمد الخامس) adalah Sultan dari Maroko 1927-53, diasingkan 1953-55, di mana ia kembali diakui sebagai Sultan sekembalinya, dan Raja 1957-1961 . Nama lengkapnya adalah Sidi Mohammed ben Yusef, atau Anak (Sultan) Yusef, yang atas kematian ia berhasil takhta. Dia adalah anggota dari Dinasti Alaouite.

Pada tanggal 20 Agustus 1953, Perancis yang menduduki Maroko pada saat itu memaksa Mohammed V dan keluarganya ke pengasingan di Corsica. Pamannya, Mohammed Ben Aarafa, ditempatkan di atas takhta. Mohammed V dan keluarganya kemudian dipindahkan ke Madagaskar pada bulan Januari 1954. Mohammed V kembali dari pengasingan pada 16 November 1955 dan kembali diakui sebagai Sultan setelah oposisi aktif ke protektorat Prancis. Pada bulan Februari 1956 ia berhasil bernegosiasi dengan Perancis untuk kemerdekaan Maroko, dan pada tahun 1957 mengambil gelar Raja.

Mohammed V adalah salah satu putra Sultan Yusuf, yang dinobatkan oleh Perancis pada bulan September 1912 dan istrinya Lalla Yaqut, yang dari Turki asal. Istri pertamanya adalah Lalla Hanila binti Mamoun. Dia adalah ibu dari putrinya pertama Lalla Fatima Zohra. Istri keduanya adalah sepupu pertamanya Lalla Abla binti Tahar (Arab: لالا عبلة بنت طهار) (lahir 5 September 1909 - meninggal 1 Maret 1992). Dia adalah putri dari Moulay Mohammed bin Tahar Hassan bin Hassan I Maroko.

Dia menikah Mohammed V pada tahun 1929 dan meninggal di Rabat pada 1 Maret 1992. Dia melahirkan lima anak: masa depan Raja Hassan II, Lalla Aicha, Lalla Malika, Moulay Abdallah dan Lalla Nuzha. Istri ketiganya adalah Lalla Bahia binti Antar, ibu dari anak terakhirnya Lalla Amina. Ia meninggal pada 26 Februari 1961 setelah komplikasi dari operasi yang ia terima. [5] Ada banyak yang menduga bahwa anak Raja, Hassan II, memiliki tangan dalam kematian mendadak ayahnya. - Indépendance du Maroc

Indépendance du Maroc - Biografi Mohammed V - Sultan di Kesultanan MoroccoMohammed V (10 August 1909 – 26 February 1961) (Arabic: محمد الخامس‎) was Sultan of Morocco from 1927–53, exiled from 1953–55, where he was again recognized as Sultan upon his return, and King from 1957 to 1961. His full name was Sidi Mohammed ben Yusef, or Son of (Sultan) Yusef, upon whose death he succeeded to the throne. He was a member of the Alaouite Dynasty. On 20 August 1953, the French who were occupying Morocco at the time forced Mohammed V and his family into exile on Corsica. His uncle, Mohammed Ben Aarafa, was placed on the throne. Mohammed V and his family were then transferred to Madagascar in January 1954. Mohammed V returned from exile on 16 November 1955, and was again recognized as Sultan after active opposition to the French protectorate. In February 1956 he successfully negotiated with France for the independence of Morocco, and in 1957 took the title of King.

Mohammed V was one of the sons of Sultan Yusef, who was enthroned by the French in September 1912 and his wife Lalla Yaqut, who was of Turkish origin. His first wife was Lalla Hanila bint Mamoun.[3] She was the mother of his first daughter Lalla Fatima Zohra. His second wife was his first cousin Lalla Abla bint Tahar (Arabic: لالا عبلة بنت طهار‎) (born 5 September 1909 – died 1 March 1992). She was the daughter of Moulay Mohammed Tahar bin Hassan, son of Hassan I of Morocco. She married Mohammed V in 1929 and died in Rabat on 1 March 1992. She gave birth to five children: the future King Hassan II, Lalla Aicha, Lalla Malika, Moulay Abdallah and Lalla Nuzha. His third wife was Lalla Bahia bint Antar, mother of his last daughter Lalla Amina.

He died on 26 February 1961 following complications of a surgery he received. There were many who suspected that the King's son, Hassan II, had a hand in his father's sudden death. The Mohammed V International Airport and Stade Mohamed V of Casablanca are named after him, as well as numerous universities and various public spaces across Morocco. There is an Avenue Mohammed V in nearly every Moroccan city and a major one in Tunis, Tunisia. In December 2007, The Jewish Daily Forward reported on a secret diplomatic initiative by the Moroccan government to have Mohammed V admitted to the Righteous Among the Nations. - Indépendance du Maroc