Tahun 1992 (1412H), Sultan Qaboos memerintahkan pembangunan masjid di wilayat Bausher di muhafazah Muscat. Ketika Sultan naik tahta pada 1970, ia telah mendirikan sebuah masjid sederhana di Muscat, namun pada 1992, ia meminta dibuatkan rancangan untuk masjid terbesar di dunia. Masjid tersebut dibuat berdasarkan seni dan arsitektur Islami yang terbaik yang bukan hanya dari satu negara atau satu tradisi Islam saja. Sebagai ciri khas gaya pemerintahan Sultan Qaboos, masjid agung ini maupun 2.000 masjid lainnya dibangun dengan dana pribadi Sultan. Pada 5 Mei 2001, setelah empat tahun pembangunan yang dikerjakan oleh 600 pekerja selama 12 juta jam kerja untuk menyelesaikan karpetnya saja, Sultan Qaboos bersujud untuk bersembahyang di hamparan karpet buatan tangan terbesar di dunia, di dalam masjid yang terbesar pula di dunia. اليوم الوطني لعُمان

After his military service, Qaboos studied local government subjects in England and, after a world tour, returned home to Salalah where he studied Islam and the history of his country. Qaboos acceded to the throne on 23 July 1970 following a successful coup against his father, with the aim of ending the country's isolation and using its oil revenue for modernization and development,[4] moving to Muscat. There he declared that the country would no longer be known as Muscat and Oman, but would change its name to "the Sultanate of Oman" in order to better reflect its political unity. اليوم الوطني لعُمان
The first pressing problem that Qaboos bin Said faced as Sultan was an armed communist insurgency from South Yemen, the Dhofar Rebellion (1962–1976). The sultanate eventually defeated the incursion with help from the Shah of Iran, Jordanian troops sent from his friend king Hussein of Jordan, British Special Forces and the Royal Air Force. Qaboos is a Muslim of the Ibadi denomination, which has traditionally ruled Oman. He has financed the construction or maintenance of a number of mosques, notably the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, as well as the holy places of other religions.