Rajoy memulai karier politiknya pada tahun 1981 sebagai anggota partai sayap kanan [Aliansi [Rakyat]] (AP) dan menjabat wakil legislatif perdana di Galicia Parlemen. Pada tahun 1982, ia diangkat oleh Presiden wilayah Galicia, Antonio Pérez Rosón sebagai Menteri Hubungan Kelembagaan di Xunta de Galicia. Pada tanggal 11 Juni 1986, Rajoy terpilih menjadi Presiden Dewan Provinsi Pontevedra. Jabatan ini melekat padanya hingga Juli 1991. Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2008, Rajoy menerima dukungan dari Angela Merkel di Jerman dan Nicolas Sarkozy dari Perancis untuk pemilihan umum Maret 2008.[5][6] PP kalah dalam pemilihan umum, bagaimanapun, dan Rajoy terus memimpin partainya di oposisi.
Pada Pemilihan Umum tanggal 22 Juni 1986, dia memperoleh kursi di Deputi Kongres sebagai kepala daftar AP untuk Pontevedra meskipun ia mengundurkan diri pada bulan November untuk mengambil posisi wakil presiden Xunta Galicia menyusul pengunduran diri Luis Xosé Barreiro dan seluruh menteri. Dia menempati posisi kedua sampai akhir September 1987. Pada tahun 1989, ketika AP bergabung dengan pihak lain untuk membentuk Partai Rakyat (PP), dengan Manuel Fraga sebagai presiden, Rajoy diangkat menjadi anggota Komite Eksekutif Nasional dan delegasi untuk Pontevedra. Dia terpilih kembali ke parlemen pada tahun 1993. Sebelum kemenangan PP dalam pemilu 1996, ia adalah seorang anggota PP atas penunjukan dari "Komisi Kontrol Parlemen RTVE".
Rajoy was a Minister under the José María Aznar administration, occupying different leading roles in different Ministries between 1996 and 2003, and he also was the Deputy Prime Minister between 2000 and 2003. He was the Leader of the Opposition between 2004 and 2011 under José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's government. Earlier member of the Spanish National Union (UNE),[6] Rajoy joined the right-wing party People's Alliance (AP), becoming a deputy in the inaugural legislature of the Galician Parliament in 1981. In 1982, he was appointed by Galician regional President, Xerardo Fernández Albor, as Minister of Institutional Relations of the Xunta de Galicia. On 11 June 1986, Rajoy was elected President of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, a position he held until July 1991.[7][8][9]
In the General Elections of 22 June 1986, he won a seat in the Congress of Deputies as the head of the AP's list for Pontevedra, although he resigned in November to take up the post of vice-president of the Xunta of Galicia following the resignation of Xosé Luis Barreiro and the rest of the ministers. He occupied this latter position until the end of September 1987. In May 1988 he was elected General Secretary of the PA in Galicia during an extraordinary congress of the regional party. When in 1989 the AP merged with other parties to form the People's Party (PP), with Manuel Fraga as its president, Rajoy was named a member of its National Executive Committee and delegate for Pontevedra. He was reelected to parliament in 1993.
Before the PP's triumph in the 1996 elections, he was a PP-designated member of the Commission of Parliamentary Control of the RTVE. In April, the former president of Castile and León and presidential candidate of the government general elections in 1989, José María Aznar, was elected president of the PP. Confirmed in the National Executive, Mariano Rajoy was appointed deputy secretary general of the party. He was re-elected in Pontevedra in the election on 6 June 1993.