Selain Úrsula, "Firmina dos Reis menulis puisi dan cerita pendek . Ketika masih berusia dua puluhan, ia mulai bekerja sama dengan beberapa surat kabar lokal di kota asalnya di São Luis, sebuah kegiatan yang ia pertahankan selama bertahun-tahun. Itu adalah satu-satunya pembukaan yang tersedia untuk mendapatkannya. karya-karya diterbitkan. ″ Ia juga "menulis buku harian yang intim dan melankolis yang ditulis dari tahun 1853 hingga 1903 di mana tema-tema penyangkalan diri, kematian, dan bunuh diri yang berulang muncul". Pada tahun 1975 oleh para sarjana Brasil Antônio de Oliveira dan Nascimento Morais Filho memulihkan Úrsula 1975 yang telah lama terlupakan dalam edisi faksimili .
Sebagai "perempuan kulit hitam bebas yang istimewa dalam masyarakat budak kolonial abad ke-19 ″, Maria Firmina dos Reis ″ menonjol karena ia berpendidikan sangat baik dan merupakan lawan yang kuat dari perbudakan". Dawn Duke menganggap Maria Firmina dos Reis, bersama dengan penulis Kuba María Dámasa Jova Baró , "sebagai pelopor terkemuka bagi garis penulis wanita berikutnya yang berurutan " dalam konteks Afro-Amerika Latin. " Horácio de Almeida percaya Maria Firmina dos Reis menjadi penulis wanita Brasil pertama. [...] Luiza Lobo sejak itu menentang tuduhan tersebut dengan menghadirkan Ana Eurídice Eufrosina de Barandas dari Porto Alegre sebagai novelis wanita Brasil pertama." Tetapi "nilai simbolis jangka panjang dari satu-satunya novel Maria Firmina dos Reis Úrsula (1859) terletak pada pembedaannya sebagai sebuah karya yang meletakkan dasar bagi kesadaran sastra wanita Afro-Brasil."
Bagi Rita Terezinha Schmidt, "Maria Firmina dos Reis menuliskan suara hitam dalam konstruksi subjektivitas nasional yang menghasilkan apa yang didefinisikan oleh Homi Bhabha sebagai narasi balik bangsa yang 'terus-menerus membangkitkan dan menghapus batas-batas totalnya - baik aktual maupun konseptual - mengganggu manuver ideologis yang melaluinya " komunitas yang dibayangkan " diberi identitas esensialis ". Dalam tesis Ph.D-nya Hidup Diantara Orang Hidup , Carolyn Kendrick-Alcantara (2007) menganalisis " Gotik sebagai wacana abolisionis yang kuat di Brasil dan Kuba melalui bacaan Maria Firmina dos Reis ′ Ursula dan Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda y Arteaga Sab ".
Maria Firmina dos Reis (October 11, 1825 – November 11, 1917) was a Brazilian abolitionist and author. Her novel Úrsula (1859) was a depiction of life for Afro-Brazilians under slavery. Maria Firmina dos Reis was born in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. "At age five, her mother and relatives moved to Viamão where she attended school. In 1847, due to outstanding performance, she won a scholarship for further studies at the level of 'cadeira de primeiras letras' that prepared her to be a teacher." She maintained the profession ″until her retirement in 1881″. "At the age of fifty-five, she founded a school for poor children." In 1859, Firmina dos Reis published her single major novel Úrsula (the same year, Harriet Wilson published her Our Nig).
Besides Úrsula, "Firmina dos Reis wrote poetry and short stories. While still in her twenties she began to collaborate with several local newspapers in her hometown of São Luis, an activity she sustained for many years. It was the only opening available for getting her works published.″ She also "wrote an intimate, melancholic diary written dating from 1853 to 1903 in which the themes of regilious self-denial, death, and suicide recur". In 1975 by the Brazilian scholars Antônio de Oliveira and Nascimento Morais Filho recovered the long forgotten Úrsula 1975 in a facsimile edition.
As a "privileged free black woman within nineteenth-century colonial slave society″, Maria Firmina dos Reis ″stands out because she was very well-educated and a vigorous opponent of slavery". Dawn Duke considers Maria Firmina dos Reis, together with Cuban writer María Dámasa Jova Baró, "as eminent precursors to a distinguished line of subsequent women writers" in the Afro-Latin American context.[8] "Horácio de Almeida believed Maria Firmina dos Reis to be the first Brazilian woman writer. [...] Luiza Lobo has since opposed the allegation by presenting Ana Eurídice Eufrosina de Barandas of Porto Alegre as the first female Brazilian novelist." But the "long-term symbolic value of Maria Firmina dos Reis's only novel Úrsula (1859) rests in its distinction as a work that lays the foundations for an Afro-Brazilian female literary consciousness."
For Rita Terezinha Schmidt, "Maria Firmina dos Reis inscribes a black voice in the construction of national subjectivities engendering what Homi Bhabha defines as a counter narrative of the nation that 'continually evoke and erase its totalizing boundaries – both actual and conceptual – disturb those ideological maneuvers through which "imagined communities" are given essentialist identities'". In her Ph.D thesis Life Among the Living Dead, Carolyn Kendrick-Alcantara (2007) analyzes "the Gothic as a powerful abolitionist discourse in Brazil and Cuba through [her] readings of Maria Firmina dos Reis′ Ursula and Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda y Arteaga′s Sab".