Duta Besar Arab Saudi untuk Indonesia, Syeikh Osama bin Mohammed Abdullah Al Shuaibi mengaku menyayangkan kejadian pembakaran bendera bertuliskan kalimat tauhid beberapa waktu lalu yang dilakukan oleh anggota Banser NU di Garut. Duta Besar Arab Saudi untuk Indonesia Osama Bin Mohammed Abdullah Al Shuaibi mengatakan, kalimat tauhid memiliki arti penting bagi umat Islam. Sehingga, pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi akan mencari tahu siapa yang dengan sengaja memasang bendera bertuliskan kalimat tauhid di dinding rumah Habib Rizieq.
Osama menyampaikan hal itu saat ditanya perihal hukum memasang bendera tauhid di Arab Saudi, seperti yang terpasang di tembok rumah Imam Besar Front Pembela Islam (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) di Mekah beberapa waktu lalu. Namun, Osama tidak menjawab secara eksplisit soal hukum memasang bendera tauhid di Arab Saudi. Osama hanya menyebut seandainya bendera itu diletakkan di dinding rumah seseorang, maka pemilik rumah tidak serta-merta dianggap pelaku kriminal.
PB NU ikut memprotes pernyataan Duta Besar Arab Saudi Osama Muhammad al Suaibi yang menyebut GP Ansor sebagai organisasi sesat. Tak cuma keberatan, NU bahkan meminta pemerintah mengusir bawahan Raja Salman itu. Menurut Said, Osama telah dengan sengaja menyebarkan fitnah dengan menuduh bahwa aksi pembakaran dilakukan oleh organisasi sesat. Hal itu sama saja menuduh GP Ansor sebagai organisasi sesat. Atas alasan itu, PBNU meminta pemerintah untuk menyampaikan nota protes kepada Pemerintah Saudi. Sehingga Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz memulangkan Osamah sebagai bagian dari sanksi.
Osama bin Mohammed Abdullah Al Shuaibi is the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia. Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud provided assistance for the earthquake, tsunami and tsunami packages in Palu, Central Sulawesi and Lombok. In addition, King Salman also sent volunteers from Saudi Arabia to help ease the burden of the earthquake victims. The assistance was delivered by the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia Sheikh Osama bin Mohammed Abdullah al-Shuaibi.
The Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia, Sheikh Osama bin Mohammad Abdullah Al Shuaibi, said he regretted the incident of burning a flag bearing the tauhid sentence some time ago carried out by NU Banser members in Garut. Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia Osama Bin Mohammad Abdullah Al Shuaibi said the tauhid sentence has an important meaning for Muslims. So, the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will find out who intentionally put up a flag bearing the words of monotheism on the walls of Habib Rizieq's house.
Osama sent things currently requested by Saudi Arabia, such as those installed in the home of the Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) Islamic High Defender Front (FPI) in Mecca for some time. However, Osama did not directly mention the law of installing a tauhid flag in Saudi Arabia. Osama only mentioned that if the flag was placed on the wall of someone's house, then the owner of the house would not necessarily be considered a criminal.
The NU PB also protested the statement of Saudi Arabian Ambassador Osama Muhammad al Suaibi who called GP Ansor a heretical organization. Not only clear, NU even asked the government to expel King Salman's subordinates. According to Said, Osama had deliberately included slander by alleging that the action was carried out by a heretical organization. It was the same as accusing GP Ansor of being a heretical organization. For this reason, the PBNU asked the government to submit a protest note to the Saudi Government. So King Salman bin Abdulaziz repatriated Osama as part of sanctions.